Source code for txt2xls.function

# coding=utf-8
__author__ = 'Alisue <>'
import os
import re
import imp

[docs]def parse_function(function, default_type='lambda'): """ Parse function expression which start from function type (e.g. 'lambda:') The function expression has to be start from 'lambda:', 'file:', 'regex:', or 'builtin:' (shortcut alias of 'file:' type for builtin functions). If no function type is specified, the function will be treated as :attr:`default_type`. Args: function (string): A function expression default_type (string): A default function expression type Returns: function: A function Raises: AttributeError: Raise when unknown function type has been specified. """ if function is None: return None if ":" not in function: function = "%s:%s" % (default_type, function) name, body = function.split(":", 1) if name == 'regex': return create_regex_function(body) elif name == 'file': return create_file_function(body) elif name == 'lambda': return create_lambda_function(body) elif name == 'builtin': BUILTIN = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'builtin') body = os.path.join(BUILTIN, body + ".py") return create_file_function(body) else: raise AttributeError("Unknown function type '%s' " "has specified" % name)
[docs]def create_regex_function(body): """ Create function from regex pattern. It is used for creating a function for classification. Args: body (string): A regex pattern Returns: function: A function which will return string for classification """ pattern = re.compile(body) def fn(data): filename = data[0] m = if m and len(m.groups()) > 0: # use a first group if there are any groups return elif m: # use entire match return # no mathced text found return filename return fn
[docs]def create_file_function(body): """ Create function from specified python script file. The python script file has to have ``__call__(data)__`` function. Args: body (string): A filename of the python script Returns: function: A function """ filename = os.path.expanduser(body) if not os.path.exists(filename): raise IOError("%s is not found." % body) basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] module = imp.load_source(basename, filename) if not hasattr(module, '__call__'): raise ImportError("%s does not have '__call__' function. " "A script file must have '__call__(data)' " "function." % filename) return module.__call__
[docs]def create_lambda_function(body): """ Create lambda function with partial code. The partial code (:attr:`body`) will be put inside of lambda expression as:: lambda *args, **kwargs: <BODY> Args: body (string): A body part of lambda expression Returns: function: A lambda function """ fn = eval("lambda *args, **kwargs: %s" % body) return fn